Дата 11.08.16

На офіційному сайті НАСА опубліковані стенограми зустрічей космонавтів з НЛО

На офіційному сайті НАСА абсолютно несподівано для всіх користувачів з’явилися опубліковані у відкритому доступі стенограми, зроблені космонавтами і дослідниками під час місій “Аполлон”. Згідно з опублікованими записів, зустрічі з НЛО під час досліджень космосу не були рідкісним явищем. Так само при розшифровці цих записів можна зрозуміти, що НЛО були не тільки літаки, але й літальні апарати з екіпажем, а так само те, що ці істоти мають дивовижну природу, пов’язану з іншими вимірами, і вони не несуть загрози людству.

Нижче наведені витяги з опублікованих НАСА стенограм, з повними текстами можна ознайомитись безпосередньо на офіційному сайті.

Apollo 8 Transcript

03 16 44 39 LMP there’s a strange light down there.

03 16 h4 45 CDR Is it a bonfire?

03 16 24 47 LMP It might be campfires.

03 16 h5 03 C5_ How does it look?

Apollo 10 transcript

04 06 13 02 LMP That music even sounds outer-spacy, it doesn’t? You hear that? That whistling sound?

04 06 13 06 CDR Yes.

04 06 13 07 I2_P Whoooooo. Say your – –

04 06 13 12 CMP Did you hear that whistling sound, too?

04 06 13 14 LMP Yes. Sounds like – you know, outer-space-type music.

04 06 13 18 CMP I wonder what it is.

04 06 17 56 CDR 2.

04 06 17 58 L_P Boy, sure that is weird music.

04 06 18 O1 _ we’re going to have to find out about that 04 06 18 O1 _ we’re going to have to find out about that. Nobody will believe us.

04 06 18 07 I. t,2’_ Yes. It’s a whistling, you know, like an outer-області thing.

04 12 09 16 CDR I mean you … What the hell was that gurgling noise?

04 12 09 25 LMP I don’t know. But i’ll tell you that eerie music is what’s bothering me. You know that –

04 12 09 28 CMP God damn, I heard it, too.

04 12 09 29 LMP You know s that was funny. That’s Just like something from outer space, really. Who’s going to believe it?

04 12 09 34 CMP Nobody. Shall we tell them about it?

04 12 09 39 LMP I don’t know. We ought to think about it some.

04 12 09 41 CMP Did you hear it, Tom?

04 12 09 42 LMF Yes, he heard it.

04 12 09 43 CDR Yes.

04 12 09 47 LMP Hell, I Just want to get out of this suit.

05 10 33 CDR Where is the music – I want to have Charlie describe it to us. Where’s the tape recorder?

06 05 10 38 CMP On the second one over.

06 05 10 3g CDR No – no, I Just didn’t play that.

06 05 10 43 CDR Hello, Houston; Apollo 10.

06 05 10 48 _ Hold your mike do%m a little bit.

06 05 10 54 CDR Is it on?

06 05 10 55 _ Yes ….

06 05 10 59 C_P Play that song over again, though, when you get to it. Zap it up a little bit.

Apollo 11 transcript

03 08 20 18 IRP that’s a spectacular crater.

03 08 20 23 CDR Did you shoot some pictures while you were over there?

03 08 20 25 CMP No, it’s Just by going – ми d better get it later; there will be better times. If the damn antenna isn’t in the way –

03 08 20 42 CMP Boy, there must be nothing more desolate than to be inside some of these craters, these conical ones

03 08 20 50 CDR People that live in there probably never get out.
03 l0 55 20 CMP Oh God, look at that Moltke; he’s my favorite … Look at that son of a bitch. You see all those roads – triangular roads leading right past him?

03 l0 55 29 CDR Yes.

03 l0 55 30 CMP that’s US l, I guess, huh?

03 l0 55 31 CDR Yes.

Apollo 14 transcript

03 12 22 39 I2_P Really an interesting one. Huh? That one … looks like … got a rugged right one out here – with the central peaks.

03 12 23 02 CDR …

03 12 23 05 I_l° Sure does. Really got a very complex central structure.

03 12 23 08 CR_° it’s got one of the biggest central peaks a_ound. It’s a very unusual crater. But there are some dark areas in it that Farouk has gone on record as saying they are dikes.

03 12 23 37 CMl° High Sun. That’s right one down there; Just shows how it dominates the whole photograph. Just an extremely bright crater. Sun angle Just isn’t high enough for you to see it here …. Yes, they’re mining it, I think.